Version 7 - Workflow Customization: How do I create statuses for management of disinfection protocols?

You can be sure that proper protocols are being observed by creating workflows in BlueNote Lights designed for room disinfection management. By turning on the Office Status and programming it to your needs, everyone in the practice can keep track of how long each room is in use, how long it is taking to clean each room, and even assure that rooms are staying idle for the recommended amount of time between patients.

To change a room status, click on the button immediately to the right of the time and date stamp to access the Status page. From the right-hand column, select the room. Once the room is selected, then choose the status of that room to update the appearance of the room's status on the left-hand side of the Status window.

How do I create this customization in BlueNote Lights?

In System Wide Changes, you will need to turn on Office Status to begin utilizing it as a room status monitor.

1. Access System Wide Changes by choosing Menu > Preferences > Options > Advanced > System Wide Changes. Type in “configure.”

2. Once you're in BlueNote Communicator Lights Configuration, choose the Office Status tab and toggle the option "On".

3. In this instance, you are purposing the Office Status for room management, not staff management. This means you will be be entering the name of a Location rather than staff members in the first column of choices. Click on the "Add Staff" button to add each of the locations where you want to manage disinfection. 

4. Do the same with the second column of choices. Click "Add Location/Status." This is where you will add each Status. Note that you can add colors to each status, organize them in a sorted order, and change their text color. IMPORTANT: Be sure that the checkbox for the option "Can be assigned to multiple locations" is NOT checked in each Status in the first column. 

IMPORTANT: Be sure that the checkbox for the option "Can be assigned to multiple locations" IS checked in each Status in the second column. You can view all options available within each Status below.

5.  When finished, finalize the changes by Publishing the configuration changes out to all computers. Tab down to Publish on the left-hand side and type in the word “Publish” when prompted.

7.  With the Publishing complete, the modified Lights are now available to use. 

I’m new to BlueNote Lights. Can I start with a template that already contains these alerts? 

Yes - there is an Online Example that gives you a very similar workflow as part of your starting point in which to begin your customization. In System Wide Changes, go to the “Examples” tab, then in the blank, copy or type in the code below:


 and click Get Example. From there you can make all of the modifications needed and Publish as shown in the previous step.